Lawndale, CA 90260
United States
In our journey of reducing the waste of fresh produce on campus, we started off by purchasing a composting machine with the ECA coordinators' help and funds. A few days after, we presented to three underclassmen classes, where we taught them the importance of composting. We then hung flyers around campus to alert the broader school community to meet us in a certain room during lunch so we could collect their vegetable and/or fruit scraps. On the first day of collecting food scraps for compost, only two students participated in donating their scraps. The following day, no students participated. Due to low participation, we created an Instagram account to alert even more students about our composting project. From there, we gained more participants and had a large amount of vegetable and fruit scraps in our compost bin. Once all the food was fully processed into compost, we used it to plant green beans and poppies in our on-campus ECA garden, creating a sustainable agricultural practice.

Certify Your EcoLeader Project
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