For many institutions, transportation can really impact their campus carbon footprint. Colleges and universities are seeking creative solutions to reduce emissions, both with their fleet of vehicles and with students, staff and faculty. Does your campus offer better parking options if you carpool? Do you get a free bus/ subway pass to use while you are a student? Are freshman unable to bring cars to campus their first year?

Student Actions- what can you do to improve transportation?

Commit to using alternative transportation (bike, bus, skateboard, walk and carpool)

Start or participate in a campus bike organization.

Conduct a campus-wide transportation survey to determine areas for improvement

Improving campus transportation options is a fun way to engage your fellow students on one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time; how we can decrease the amount of cars on the road and lower our carbon footprint. Work with your sustainability or transportation office to determine what is already happening on campus and what can be improved.

Interested in pursuing a transportation career? Check out the transportation careers outlook in the EcoLeaders Career Center to learn more about careers in the field, hear from professionals, and map out your career plan.


Climate smart educational resources and learning opportunities that correspond to the science and issues presented in the series.

Wildlife Crossing

Add Your Voice to California Mountain LionsHelp mountain lions and other wildlife who make their home in the Santa Monica Mountains—urge the U.S. Department of Transportation to support the creation of a wildlife crossing at Liberty.