Permaculture Community
EcoTopic / Project Category
Campus & Community Policy, Community & Environmental Justice, Education & Awareness
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Project Goal Summary
I would like to set up a place for those who "age" out of foster care that provides living accommodations and life skills training that use the principles of Permaculture as a guide. I envision finding & repurposing a vacant building complex in an urban setting (specifically St. Louis, MO), developing a training program that taps into the local community for education, reaching out to other organizations for support, with the end goal of "graduating" responsible, trainable citizens who can give back to their community. 
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Project Location
St. Louis, MO
United States
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Project Goals and News
I "discovered" foster care when I was a teenager doing my Senior Service project. I chose to work with behaviorally-challenged teenagers, most of whom had grown up in foster care and became too much to handle. Later in life, I learned that foster care ends at some age and after that, those kids are on their own. I learned about Permaculture as a young adult, and for some reason, I immediately thought of this project. I saw Permaculture as a sustainable solution to aging out of foster care with no support, no skills, often inadequate education, and often with nowhere to turn. Permaculture offers a structure for addressing this issue well because it takes all aspects into consideration and stresses the interconnectedness of everything. We know that the challenges these kids face often cause them to turn to crime or life on the streets to survive, which leads to a lower quality of life for everyone & everything in the community. However, if provided with a path to productive adulthood, these kids could become assets to their communities instead.
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Tag Your Project
permaculture, foster care, sustainable living
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Project Feedback

Hi Mary, Thanks so much for sharing your project goal. This sounds like a really incredible effort and I look forward to following along on its progress. I hope you are able to utilize some of project planning tools and resources as well as support from others here in the EcoLeaders community.
Thanks Courtney! I do plan to use the tools & resources!

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Date Added: Apr 2, 2021
Date Last Modified: Apr 2, 2021

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My Certification Applications

Permaculture Community 768
Date Created 04/02/2021
Change the System, Not the Climate 281
Date Created 02/09/2017
Organic Community Garden 279
Date Created 10/17/2016
Dipped N Green Eco Careers 280
Date Created 02/23/2016
Restorative Eco-tourism 273
Date Created 02/14/2016
Reaching Leaders 264
Date Created 06/20/2015
Eco-Schools Leadership Initiative 277
Date Created 06/18/2015
Campus Environmental Awareness 261
Date Created 05/05/2015