Core Requirements
1. Developed an EcoLeader profile, including my personal EcoMission., 2. Contributed to a project in one or more of the following ways: created or added to the EcoLeader project profile, project updates pages, and/or the application for certified project status. Project name and URL are listed below. (All projects must be hosted on EcoLeaders site to be eligible for certification), 3. Informed myself of leadership models and principals in one or more of the following ways: Read articles on leadership, participated in an NWF EcoLeaders webinar series, and/or participated in equivalent program offered by other organizations., 4. Encouraged the wider EcoLeaders community by contributing an idea, question, comment, article, video or photo in the community related to my or others’ projects, or to relevant leadership topics., 5. Sought a basic understanding of sustainability and biodiversity by reading one of the following resources (listed below and linked in the resource box on the right) and providing your top three reflections in the box below.
Sustainability/Biodiversity Reading List
Reflections on sustainability and biodiversity readings
Identified a need and invented a project to address it., Clarified project outcomes and measures of success., Designed or tested strategies and tactics., Developed short and long-term goals and specific activities to achieve them., Researched or tested options (including various technologies, vendors or costs)., Investigated similar projects, Coordinated a “request for proposal” (RFP) or similar process., Facilitated a team of people to define a vision for the project (or coordinated a planning charrette)., Surveyed people to help define project vision, needs, priorities and/or strategies., Integrated the project as a committee in an existing decision-making structure on campus or in the wider community, such as the student government council, campus strategic planning process, city council ordinances, or even a national or international policy., Secured placement of the project within the campus or community strategic or master planning documents or processes., Identified potential risks and strategies to address them.
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Recruited one or more other individuals for the core project team., Recruited volunteers to help with the project (beyond the core project team)., Met with organizational superiors or staff and received support for the project., Organized or facilitated one or more project committees, or served as liaison for multiple committees., Recruited representatives from one or more departments or organizations as advisors, board members, or in other leadership capacities.,
Rule Label
Developed a budget for the project (expenses regarding materials, promotions, etc.), Raised funds for the project., Initiated or secured funding through a campus or community revolving loan fund., Applied for a grant for the project., Organized a fundraising campaign such as online crowd-sourcing or plant sale., Managed donations that came in for the project., Secured in-kind or monetary donations from businesses., Met with prospective donors to discuss the project and fundraising needs., Other (please specify), ,
Developed a project management plan with timeline and assigned tasks to team members. , Secured use of building space, land, goods or services., Organized materials, goods or services needed for volunteer service. , Kept a team up-to-date regularly over the course of the project., Documented and maintained a calendar for the project or managed scheduling for key meetings., Created a back-up plan in case the project faced challenges., Worked with the team to prioritize ideas for the project., Lead effective meetings with a pre-stated agenda and notes after., Developed committee chairs or other structures that distribute the workload.
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Educated myself through reading, participating in a leadership or skills training and/or earning a related credential., Facilitated professional development or skills training for faculty, staff or community members., Integrated questions about participation and support of the project in relevant performance review questionnaires., Secured funding for leadership or skills training., Offered or attended a diversity training or spoke up to encourage a diversity of view and perspectives.
Facilitated a situation that required conflict management skills., Integrated questions about participation and support of the project in relevant performance review questionaires., Prepared a checklist of items to bring to an event.
Rule Label
Organized or attended a rally to support the project., Wrote a letter to or met with political representatives related to the project., Prepared an online action alert for others related to the project., Responded to a NWF action alert, Hosted in-person gatherings in support of the project to foster relationships among project participants and other interested individuals.
Hosted in-person gatherings in support of the project to foster relationships among project participants and other interested individuals., Attended events to meet new people who could help with the project or to build reciprocal support around similar aims or researched events for our team to attend to advance the project., Prepared promotional print or web materials., Organized a table about the project at an event., Prepared a checklist of items to bring to an event., Lead a shopping trip to gather items for an event.
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Learned a new technology to help with the project., Developed an app or software to help with the project., Maintained hardware for the project., Set up or maintained technology or software such as a network, web cam or real-time monitoring of energy or water use for the project.
Developed a marketing/communications campaign for the project (including social media, email, postering, coffee breaks, etc.), Wrote and placed an article on the project in an on-line or print publication (on campus or beyond)., Started and maintained a social media account for the project.
Took photos or videos at project events, and secured releases for their use., Reached out to diverse groups on campus or in the community that had not been previously engaged in the project.
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Designed or conducted a formative, summative, goals-based or goals-free evaluation of the project., Interviewed community members, participants or others., Developed a project report including goals, progress, challenges, lessons learned or next steps.
Helped integrate new elements into performance goal setting or review processes with students, staff or others that are tied to raises or promotions., Applied for an award or other recognition for the project awarded by a third-party that is not employed by the campus (e.g., this can include the NWF application for EcoLeader project recognition or other local or international awards).,
Rule Label
Facilitated reflection on lessons learned with one or more teams., Reviewed and revised plans, goals, or policies., Helped develop a plan to broaden and sustain engagement.
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Cultivated a mentor or sought advice from others to help manage my personal and professional growth., Secured professional support for meeting design and facilitation., Engaged the support of professionals with team building, leadership, communications or structure. ,
Project Feedback