Greetings from the Shetland Islands


I am with the Shetland Neurodiversity Project.

We are trying to create apprenticeships, training and job opportunities for neurodivergent individuals in the Shetland Islands. My first big project is litter picking. We want to do a big litter pick and take some data about what we find and where.

1 Replies

@donna schofield Hello Schofield, I was interested in what Neurodiversity is and wondering. This sounds like an incredible initiative with a lot of potential impact! How do you plan to analyze and use the data collected from the litter pick? Will it be used to inform future environmental projects or policies in Shetland? I’m also curious about how this effort connects to creating apprenticeships and job opportunities for neurodivergent individuals. Will participants gain specific skills or training through this project? Additionally, are there particular areas you’re focusing on for the cleanup, and how can people in the community get involved? Do you see this as a one-time event, or do you hope to expand it into a long term initiative?
