Hello, I am Stefanie Hauck. I finished my MS in Sustainability in January and am looking to jump right into the fray while looking for meaningful employment. I became a Climate Reality Leader last September. Am excited to add EcoLeader to my toolkit while looking for meaningful employment. I served on the core team of a local non-profit start-up in north central Ohio called the Regional Ohio Action for Resilience. We are all volunteer and are serving as a clearinghouse of information while formulating whether our next best move would be to be a incubator of environmental projects or become a land trust as there is no local land trust in Central Ohio. TNC operates in all of Ohio but is concentrated in the Appalachian area of the state and up near Lake Erie as that is where large swaths of land is still available to be bought and preserved. 
3 Replies
Welcome, Stafanie! Thanks so much for sharing a bit about yourself. We're so glad to have you in the EcoLeaders community and hope you find it useful in navigating your next steps!

I know you joined a while ago but I wanted to send you another welcome message. 

Chase Dike
4 Posts

Hello @Stefanie Hauck, Your success in becoming a Climate Reality Leader is very admirable congratulations! How was it working on the non-profit start-up? Did you face any challenges along the way? Also, as you consider the next steps for the Regional Ohio Action for Resilience, what factors are influencing the decision between becoming an incubator for environmental projects or a land trust? Additionally, how has your experience as a Climate Reality Leader shaped your approach to sustainability and community engagement?
