Can volunteer experiences help you gain the necessary skills for the career you want?
Amira Odeh
5 Posts
Have your volunteer experiences allowed you to gain knowledge and skill you need to apply for a job or internship?
Have you encountered issues with these while applying to jobs because it has been through volunteering and not a "professional" experience?
4 Replies
Lisa Madry
27 Posts
Hi Amira-
I have found that volunteering is a great way to gain skills, connections and experience that can help you in your career path.  Especially in the non-profit field, it can be hard to break in and if you have experience as a volunteer you can demonstrate that you are serious about your chosen career path.  In terms of translating it into job experience, it can help to connect what you have learned that is relevant to the job you are interested in through your cover letter or resume. Don't just assume people will know how they are connected. 

You also develop great contacts and relationships through volunteering. If you are a reliable and committed volunteer, often that makes a great employment reference - if you were that reliable as a volunteer jus timagine how dedicated you will be when its a paid job!

What kinds of jobs are you interested in?
Amira Odeh
5 Posts
Hi :)

I am interested in organizing jobs in the future, after finishing my masters degree. But in the present, I have been looking for a lot of jobs in different areas, all with skill requirements that I have learned while organizing but have not been taken seriuosly because thay have been volunteer positions.
Hi Amira and all,  We've seen over the years a link between campus and community sustainability and volunteerism.  In fact, we just conducted a longitudinal study looking at graduates, the campuses they attended, the projects they supported or spearheaded, and where they are now, etc. and the results are impressive.  Most have gone on to careers in leadership for sustainability.  A couple serve on governor's green task forces.  Several have founded sustainability organizations and business. Many work in wildlife protection at the state an federal level.  One runs green purchasing for the City of Berkeley and leads a program on behavior change on the side, while also writing blogs for us.


When I took my career class, I learned that the skills I recieved from my volunteerism were the things my employer was looking for, not just the volunteer position. 

Perhaps if you did a "skills based" resume as opposed to your career experience, it would be much more useful because you definately sound like a competent woman in organizing events. 

That being said, I have definately worked my way up, step-by-step, to become employable. 
I volunteered for the Student Conservation Association because I had already volunteered a lot in high-school. Because I did SCA, I was able to land an unpaid internship at the Trinity River Audubon Center and with the muncipality in my local city as an Environmental Intern. I have done many things from those internships, and I plan to do a lot more leadership based things instead of just volunteerism. But I don't have a career yet (junior in university), but I hope that like you, my volunteerism will add up to something really tangible. 

You'll get there!
