Core Reflections on Earth Charter

On this planet, we are very diverse with everyone coming from different backgrounds and different ideals but with an ever-changing ecosystem we have to come together into an Earth community to make this planet a better place with a sustainable future, respecting nature around us, human rights, and having peace between culture and its people.

We are in a global situation where production and consumption are causing our environment to go through devastation. This causes species to be endangered, natural resources to become scarce, and climate change affects the way we live. These problems aren’t inevitable though and we can do something about these issues to delay or stop them completely. We have the tools, technology, and intelligence to deny these problems but not everyone believes it is important to do so.

To solve these problems we have to all acknowledge that we have universal responsibility for what damage has been done to this planet. We as humans and inhabitants of this green earth cannot point fingers at a certain person, group, or nation for the troubles that are currently going on. Using a car daily, wasting large amounts of water, and consuming resources all contribute to hurting the environment. In the future, governments will come together and come up with a solution to stop these harms to our planet.

