Habitat Certification

I'm happy to share on behalf of my Project SEED team that our on-campus native plant habitats have earned certification through the Native Plant Initiative of Greater New Orleans and the National Wildlife Federation. We hosted a certification event on July 6th that was attended by members of the UNO community, as well as the public.


L to R: Carol Lunn (UNO Assoc. Vice President for Research & Economic Development), Tammany Baumgarten (NPI of Greater New Orleans), Chris Belser (Project Director), Emily Miller (Project Team), Arden Kleinpeter (Project Team), Genesis Santiago (Project Team)
One example of wellness related signs added to our campus space. These will be added to other parts of campus, as well.
One our plants, along with painted rocks that were added to the garden. In April, we hosted a public rock painting event.
A little garden flair
Additional sign designs that will be added around campus to help promote eco-wellness.
2 Replies

Amazing work, @Christopher Belser and team!!

@Christopher Belser Congradulations, its so awesome to hear that your project has finally reached certification. I wanted to ask a few questions regarding your project, first I wanted to ask whether or not it was difficult to obtain this certification, secondly what does that process look like and what the first steps one should take to reach certification. Wisihin you nothing but the best -Julian Buruca from Lawndale CA!
