Kaitlyn Di Vito
Check the box once completed
I have learned about environmental justice and considered the implications in my life and that of my community.
Please share the resources that you chose to access from the resource bank to grow your understanding of environmental justice. (A minimum of 3 resources)
Environmental Racism: What is it and How Can You fight it?, 10 Examples of Environmental Racism and How it Works, Environmental Justice Toolkit
Which action(s) did you take to participate in Eco-Schools?
Used the EPA Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (EJSCREEN) to explore environmental issues in your community and provide context for an action you might want to pursue . , Educated others about an environmental justice issue in your community, Registered myself and/or others to vote
Which method(s) did you use to communicate about the environmental justice and the action(s) you took?
Shared the action you’ve taken on social media, Communicated with school and/or community groups about your action and how others might get involved , Convened a meeting with leaders in the community to discuss partnerships to support your efforts
Which action(s) did you to take to help sustain your efforts on this campaign?
Worked with a school club, community organization or group to help advance your work , Recruited a team to help you maintain and sustain your efforts in the future
In reflecting on your experience in earning this badge, please share some of your thoughts on what you most enjoyed about this process and if there are any ways you think it could be improved. What was your biggest take away?
I never really thought about how disproportionally effected Black and people of color are to environmental problems. Now that I look at the whole picture it is eye-opening and appalling. I really hope to help raise awareness to this issue for my school and community. either through flyers or a blog post of some sort.

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