Community Environmental Service Project
1. Where is your project's biggest impact?
Campus, Community
2. What were the goals for your project?
Community service and environmental impact
3. What strategy did you use?
1. Did you accomplish the goals you set for this project? Please explain.
My goals were to work with a supervisor throughout the semester with NWF to guide me through the Habitat Certification process which I accomplished and am able to certify my habitat and earn badges.
2. Choose your impact measurement from the drop down menu and provide details in the box provided (such as specific numbers or results).
Plants planted
I planted plants catered to different native species to the La Crosse, WI area along with build shelter, provided water and food as well on my property not only for animals but insects and other natural wildlife.
3. When did you begin and complete your project?
Started project March 2022 completed May 2022.
4. What was challenging about your project and how did you respond?
Challenging was the weather being outside in the upper midwest during early spring is a challenge due to cold and wet weather. I will be able to continue to flourish what I have started with the weather warming up and plan to maintain year after year.
5. Which groups were involved in this project? Students, faculty, staff or community groups?
The community service project was initiated through my Biology course through UW-Stout, I completed the service along with my supervisor Courtney Cochran a community manager of EcoLeaders Program at NWF.
6. Was your project funded? If so, how?
6. How did you communicate about this project and educate the broader campus and/or community?
Communicated through email and presented a final presentation at the end of the semester to the class.
1. How have you evaluated your project?
Individual reflection
2. What did you do after your reviewed your project?
Presented your project results at a conference or meeting
1. What was the biggest or best thing you learned from your project?
The best thing I learned was what I can do at my own home and teach my family to do and make a tradition and hopefully my children carry on and teach their children as well.
2. What advice would you give to others working on a similar project?
To reach out to someone within NWF if going through the certification process, Courtney was beyond helpful and supportive throughout the entire process.
3. Based on your response above, what are your future plans for this project? And are there resources (people, financial, etc.) available to sustain it?
This project is part of my Bachelors program completion through UW-Stout. The project will be completed after this semester is completed.

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