1. Where is your project's biggest impact?
2. What were the goals for your project?
3. What strategy did you use?
Community Building, Communications/Marketing, Research
If other:
1. Did you accomplish the goals you set for this project? Please explain.
To date, I have accomplished several goals of this project in accordance with my work plan. I have completed one market research report, led and contributed to discussions on the EcoLeaders website, recruited EcoLeaders and have served as an NWF EcoLeaders ambassador. However, this project is still in process.
2. Choose your impact measurement from the drop down menu and provide details in the box provided (such as specific numbers or results).
1) Three (3) Market Research Reports on potential target segment groups for the EcoLeader Program, complete with online research, phone surveys, in-person interviews, data analysis, tests and recommendations
2) Recruit a minimum of 25 EcoLeaders
3) Lead a discussion group within the NWF EcoLeaders forum with members of one or more of the chosen target market segments
4) Serve as an ambassador for NWF EcoLeaders Community
3. When did you begin and complete your project?
May 2015 - September 2015
4. What was challenging about your project and how did you respond?
Much of the information which I collected for my project was through surveying of students and campus administrators. In the beginning, I had a hard time getting people to respond to my surveys, as I was focusing on large programs because I thought that they would represent more students. However, once I began to send the surveys to smaller and medium sized schools, my responses began to go up.
5. Which groups were involved in this project? Students, faculty, staff or community groups?
Students and staff.
6. Was your project funded? If so, how?
My project was funded through NWF.
6. How did you communicate about this project and educate the broader campus and/or community?
I called administrative offices at my home university, sent emails to campus listservs, and send surveys to administrative offices throughout the northeast.
1. How have you evaluated your project?
Group reflection, Individual reflection, Other
If other, please describe:
I use discussion forums in the NWF EcoLeader site to gater information and confirm findings.
2. What did you do after your reviewed your project?
Revised goals, Presented your project results at a conference or meeting, Other
If other, please describe:
Wrote recommendations for NWF
1. What was the biggest or best thing you learned from your project?
I learned how to write and analyze surveys, interview people, and how to recruit people to participate in these activities.
2. What advice would you give to others working on a similar project?
Be personal! It takes a little extra time to put someone's name into n email when you are trying to reach a lot of people, but people get so many emails a day, that seeing their name really increases the chance that they are going to read it and pay attention!
3. Based on your response above, what are your future plans for this project? And are there resources (people, financial, etc.) available to sustain it?
Category EcoLeader Project Certification
Form Details
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Date Added: Jun 23, 2015
Date Last Modified: Jun 23, 2015
Project Feedback