Plant It Forward
1. Where is your project's biggest impact?
2. What were the goals for your project?
3. What strategy did you use?
Advocacy, Community Building, Communications/Marketing, Education
If other:
1. Did you accomplish the goals you set for this project? Please explain.
Yes. The goal was to connect with the campus community in a way that was relatable and eco-friendly. We knew that people, especially students, love free stuff and instagram selfies. Therefore our goal was to give out free plants along with a fun picture for Spelman ETF social media page. The students had soil in a recycled water bottle and their seed of choice to plant in the soil. The project was a success especially since the organization was able to retain new members for next semester.
2. Choose your impact measurement from the drop down menu and provide details in the box provided (such as specific numbers or results).
Plants planted
After learning about the organization we were able to influence new members as well as donate almost majority of the potted soil and plant seeds
3. When did you begin and complete your project?
the planning began in early March and the Project was completed in April 24, 2015
4. What was challenging about your project and how did you respond?
The most challenging part had to be securing a spot at the vending event and setting up the table on a windy morning! I responded with patience, patience, patience and new strategies that would keep the table together in the windiness.
5. Which groups were involved in this project? Students, faculty, staff or community groups?
All members of the organization were involved in the preparation , brainstorming of the event and providing supplies. Staff members were involved with providing the event and tables.
6. Was your project funded? If so, how?
Funded by organization's bank account
6. How did you communicate about this project and educate the broader campus and/or community?
Using social media and word of mouth before the event. On the day of the event my responsibility was attracting students to the table and getting involved with the organization's project
1. How have you evaluated your project?
Group reflection, Individual reflection
2. What did you do after your reviewed your project?
Revised goals, Added new team members with different expertise
1. What was the biggest or best thing you learned from your project?
the best thing I learned from the project was the true impact of consistency and teamwork
2. What advice would you give to others working on a similar project?
Teamwork makes the dream work especially amongst individuals with identical goals and intentions. Stay committed to your goal. Believe in your vision. Speak up and stand up for your vision. Don't underestimate yourself or your audience. Persistence, patience and optimism is key.
3. Based on your response above, what are your future plans for this project? And are there resources (people, financial, etc.) available to sustain it?

Project Feedback

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