Once you’ve done the hard work of earning NWF EcoLeader Certification it’s time to share your accomplishments and new credential with the world!
Below is some guidance we’ve put together with suggestions on ways to promote your certification as a tool to help you tell the story of your leadership experience and highlight those transferable skills.
We encourage you to share any additional ideas or feedback on your experience promoting and sharing your Certification in the Leadership and Career Development discussion forum.
Create your own elevator pitch
Take time to craft a brief synopsis (or elevator pitch) of what EcoLeader certification means, what is required to earn the certification, and why it sets you apart from others in the profession. This will be helpful to have prepared and rehearsed when you have the opportunity to share your story with friends, colleagues and prospective employers, alike.
Here’s an example to give you some ideas:
National Wildlife Federation’s EcoLeader Certification is the first project-based leadership certification of its kind for emerging environmental leaders and is distinct from other technically-oriented credentials because of its emphasis on project-based leadership. By spearheading the design, management and completion of projects, EcoLeaders acquire the hands-on soft and hard skills that are so vital in today’s workforce. Other aspects of the EcoLeaders model that set it apart include an emphasis on a basic knowledge of ecology and biodiversity as guiding principles, as well as supporting others in their work.
To earn EcoLeader Certification, I led a project [insert: what the project was, the outcome, what was involved in planning, implementing, sharing the story, sustaining phases; what skills you gained from the experience]
Share Your Certification and Digital Badge
When you earn EcoLeader Certification you are awarded a digital badge which appears on your EcoLeaders Profile page and the image file is emailed to you to use to share your certification more widely, consider sharing your digital badge in the following ways:
On LinkedIn:
According to LinkedIn, people who add their certifications to their LinkedIn profile can expect to see six times the average number of profile views, as well as getting contacted via InMail six times more! Plus, it’s super easy to do! Just click the button below and include the following link for the certification URL: www.nwfecoleaders.org/certification
On your resume:
A great place to share your EcoLeader Certification on your resume is in an “Awards and Certifications” or “Skills” section. If you’ve got the room, add a line or two about the project you led to earn the certification.
In your Bio:
Add your EcoLeader Certification to your bio so the next time you’re asked to speak at a conference, featured in a publication, earn yet another, award, etc people can be even more impressed by the fact that you’re a Certified NWF EcoLeader too!
Your Email Signature:
Your email signature is a great place to share your EcoLeader Certification and digital badge
Your website:
Have your own website? Another great place to share your certification!
On Facebook:
What’s Facebook for if not to brag about your accomplishments?! Share your good news on facebook and who knows, maybe you’ll inspire your friends to earn certification too!
On other social profiles:
Add your certification or digital badge to your bio and/or cover image on your social profiles (Twitter, Google Plus, etc).